Organic social media
assets and tracking


To view organic post copy from Waves 1 and 2, click below:

For fully participating agencies, the minimum number of posts required in Wave 3 is 15 on each channel on which the agency is active. We recommend posting campaign content at a cadence of one to two times per week throughout the nine weeks of Wave 3 (January 6 to February 28, 2025). 

For partially participating agencies, this social media content is available for use but posting is optional. Please note that new social media content may be added to this toolkit for Wave 3 (January 6 to February 28, 2025).

Customizing social media graphics
Elements of some of the social media graphics are customizable. For each social media post listed below, click on the social media platform to access the template in Canva and download the file.

Tracked links
Each social media platform listed below has a unique tracking URL that uses the Go.WeAreThere.US link shortener. When posting organically on each social media channel, please paste the tracked link specified below to ensure that analytics are tracked accurately throughout the campaign.

Quote posts

Editorial photo: Shutterstock: AM113

Editorial photo: Shutterstock: AM113

The background colors associated with these posts are editable. The image and text for each graphic can be customized; please access, edit and download the graphics templates in Canva by clicking the links below.


Post 1: Solidarity with those who are poor

Catholic Charities agencies nationwide have a mission to serve the materially poor, our most vulnerable sisters and brothers. From basic food assistance to more complex issues, staff and volunteers are there to help. Join us in serving others. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link] 

Post 2: Solidarity with those who are suffering

Sometimes, presence is just as important as action. The compassionate staff and volunteers of Catholic Charities agencies nationwide are committed to walking with their vulnerable neighbors on the road back to wholeness. Learn more. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link] 

Post 3: Importance of service

Every day, staff and volunteers at Catholic Charities agencies nationwide provide compassionate care to our vulnerable neighbors. The need is great, but each loving act of service changes a life – yours and theirs – for the better. Learn more. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link] 

Post 4: Service and volunteerism

Catholic Charities agencies offer many ways to serve your community — whether by serving food, visiting the elderly or mentoring a child. Your local agency is a gateway to a wider world of compassion and service. Learn more and volunteer today. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link] 

Post 5: Service as prayer

They say when you sing, you pray twice. Surely the same is true of when you serve vulnerable neighbors. Catholic Charities agencies offer many volunteer opportunities to walk with your neighbors in need. Won’t you join us? Learn more. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link] 

Post 6: Hope

It’s easy to lose hope in a world that feels hopelessly divided. Catholic Charities agencies serve those in need who feel lost or overlooked – the elderly, the hungry, the unhoused, disaster survivors. Discover how you can help and bring hope. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link] 

Brand posts

The graphics associated with these posts are customizable. The image and text for each graphic can be customized;
please access, edit and download the graphics templates in Canva by clicking the links below.


Post 1: Giving a hand-up

Serving [insert community name] and our vulnerable sisters and brothers in need is what we do. The staff and volunteers of [insert agency name] will always respond to you with a compassionate hand-up because #WeAreThere. [insert tracking link]

Post 2: Sharing joys and sorrows

When members of [insert community name] struggle, we are all diminished. But the staff and volunteers of [insert agency name] are on call in good times and bad, to help vulnerable neighbors get back to wholeness. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]

Post 3: Walking the talk

When [insert agency name] says we’ve got your back, believe it. We’ve served [insert community name] for [##] years, caring for our most vulnerable neighbors and providing volunteer opportunities for others to give back. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]

Post 4: A steady presence

[Insert agency name] is proud to call [insert community name] home and to walk alongside our most vulnerable neighbors as they journey to wholeness. Our staff and volunteers are committed to serve all who are in need. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]

Service posts

These posts are designed for participating agencies to customize the copy and graphics
for their services. The image and text for each graphic can be customized; please access, edit
and download the graphics templates in Canva by clicking the link below.


Post 1: Mentoring kids in need 

All children deserve to feel safe and loved. And sometimes a caring, dedicated mentor is the one person a kid can count on, whether things at home are good or bad. Learn more and volunteer at [insert agency name]. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]  

Post 2: Serving food and compassion 

Nobody thinks they’ll need a foodbank to make ends meet. [Insert agency name] knows that and believes there’s no shame in it. We’ll greet you with care and a smile. And someday, you’ll pay that help forward. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]  

Post 3: Building up our communities 

As housing prices rise, Catholic Charities remains among the nation’s largest providers of affordable housing. [Insert agency name] helps ensure that our most vulnerable neighbors can live in dignity and peace. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]  

Post 4: Caring for our elders 

Seniors whose family lives far away — or who have no family at all — may have no one to check on their needs. [Insert agency name] serves our vulnerable elders with compassion so they can live their golden years with dignity and purpose. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]  

Post 5: Serving the most vulnerable 

As the nation faces a loneliness epidemic, many of our neighbors require mental health care. [Insert agency name] provides compassionate service to those in need and accompanies them on the road back to wellness. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link] 

Post 6: Working with workers 

Martin Luther King Jr. said there is dignity in all work. [Insert agency name] trains community members to find fulfilling jobs they can take pride in, allowing them and their families to go forth and prosper. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link] 

Metrics posts

The graphics associated with these posts are customizable. You will need to localize the statistics and
edit post copy as needed. The image and text for each graphic can be customized; please access, edit
and download the graphics templates in Canva by clicking the links below.


Sample Post 1: Homelessness services

Too many in our community struggle with the cost of housing or live in places not fit for habitation. [Insert agency name] responds to our homeless and housing insecure sisters and brothers with services and compassion. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]

Sample Post 2: Disaster response

As more communities are hit by severe weather, more people are suffering catastrophic losses that will take years to recover from. [Insert agency name] is there with them for the long-term, to heal and rebuild. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]

Sample Post 3: Building up families

Our communities do better when our families are thriving. [Insert agency name] offers a range of family strengthening services, including parenting classes, early childhood education and mentoring. Learn more. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]

Sample Post 4: Food services

Children can’t learn when they’re hungry, and adults can’t focus. [Insert agency name] offers food and nutrition services like food pantries, kids’ summer lunch and meals for seniors. Because food is foundational. #WeAreThere [insert tracking link]

“We Are There For” posts

These posts are meant to be used as a template to highlight a particular client
of your agency and provide the opportunity to link to a story on your website as appropriate.
You will need to identify which clients to highlight and write posts for each.

Sample Post: Foundational Services.

Crushing student loans and a divorce left Ayesha far short of the homeownership ideal her parents set. But Commonwealth Catholic Charities (Richmond) Housing and Financial Counseling Services helped the mother of two teen boys buy their dream home. #WeAreThere WeAreThere.US

For social media-related questions, please contact:
Christina Kilroy
Director, Digital Communications or 703-236-6216